Taking a holistic view to help move the bank forward
“Funnily enough, even as a child I knew I was going to do something in the financial sector. When all my friends dreamt of becoming princesses or ballerinas, I was the little girl who wrote ‘cheques’. And so it was no surprise that I ended up studying economics at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, where I come from. After I graduated, I joined one of the Big Four as an audit manager.”
New country, new ambitions
“I moved to the Netherlands to work for that organisation’s Dutch branch back in 2015. It was a fantastic challenge, but over time I came to realise that I wanted to do more in-depth work. I had several clients as an external auditor, which meant I never fully got to know specific people and processes. I wanted to gain a proper understanding of organisations but it felt as though I was standing on the sidelines.”
A range of activities
“When I applied for a job at ABN AMRO in 2018 it felt familiar right away. This was the bank where I’d opened my first Dutch bank account a few years earlier. I’ve worked for the Group Audit department and focused on risk management ever since I joined ABN AMRO. We help the bank achieve its strategic and business objectives and make sure it keeps its banking licence. In that context, we provide management with independent risk-based advice, insights and outlooks.”
“It probably sounds quite wide-ranging, and it is. But that’s precisely why I love my work - I’m always investigating something new. One project might involve auditing various processes, such as data management processes or product approval processes, and another might mean looking into agreements concerning behaviour and culture. But whatever I’m working on, the ultimate aim is always to make the bank better.”
Making an impact
“As auditors, we hold a special position within the bank as the third line of defence. We’re part of ABN AMRO, but we’re completely independent in our work. What’s more, we focus on the activities and processes of both the first line of defence – in other words, operational employees – and the second, namely Risk Management. That means we cover the whole of the organisation, from Corporate Banking and HR to Innovation & Technology and Credit Risk Management. This provides us with a full picture of the organisation’s governance, audit processes and risk management, and allows us to take a holistic look at specific improvements.”
Conveying the message
“Holding a mirror up to your colleagues can be difficult, but it’s never meant as a personal attack. I get to work with a many different people and cultures, including different work cultures, so I have to think carefully about how I deliver a message. My motto is ‘don’t shoot the messenger’, because I’m just here to help the bank move forward. When management takes my advice and insights seriously it feels really rewarding, and when they put them into practice I can see how my work has a direct impact. That's why I do it.”
Diversity as a strength
“My team consists of 15 people and is extremely diverse, in terms of both gender and cultural background. Besides We have people from all corners of the world, including: China, Iran, South Africa, North Macedonia and of course the Netherlands. All these different views make for the best insights and advice. Besides that, the atmosphere in my team is always positive. We learn from our mistakes and feel comfortable talking to each other about them. Last but not least, we regularly do fun things together: from boat trips to cocktail workshops.”
Investing in growth
“I’d like to build upon my knowledge in the next few years, and thanks to ABN AMRO’s personal training budget I can continue to invest in myself. I’ve already followed training courses on sustainability, and the bank also organises sessions on data management, cyber risks and artificial intelligence. I also took a Dutch language course that was organised for expats who joined Group Audit.”
“Finally, I’m very pleased to say that hybrid working is possible in my role. On Mondays, we do a joint weekly start at the office, otherwise we are free to work wherever we want. In my case, that is at home, because there I am the least distracted. Of course some appointments are better done face to face, I always make that consideration. Anyway: the freedom ABN AMRO offers is worth a lot to me.”