The information below is part of our offer for you. Please therefor read it carefully.
ABN AMRO has its own Collective Labour Agreement ABN AMRO (the CLA). The offer regarding your employment contract is subject to the provisions of this CLA. The CLA offers the security of having number of collectively agreed key terms of employment, while it also gives you room to invest in yourself or in a sustainable world. This will prepare you for the following phase, in line with your wishes and ambitions.
From July 1st 2024 onwards we have a new CLA. Do you want to know the main changes? Please read the following news article. Want to read through the entire CLA that was valid until 1 July 2024? Then you can download it. We are currently working on a new version. If you’d rather read the short version, you’ll find the main terms of employment as from January 2025 in the Overview of terms of employment.
You’ll find more information on our pension scheme below. It may seem a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your future. The thing you really need to know is that we have a collective contribution of 30% of the pension base, meaning we have very good pension scheme.
Collective Definied Contribution (CDC) Pension Scheme
ABN AMRO has what is known as a Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) pension scheme. A CDC pension scheme means that the bank allocates a collective contribution. The Pension Fund uses this CDC contribution to fund a conditionally indexed average salary pension scheme with a retirement age of 68. The collective contribution for the years from 2025 to 2029 has been set at 30% of the pension base:
The pension base is the equivalent of the gross annual salary, with a maximum of €137,800 (full-time amount 2024), less €17,545 (full-time amount 2024). The target accrual for old-age pension is 1.875% of the pension base per year. Accrual for partner pension is the equivalent of 70% of the old-age pension accrued annually. Should you die, each child of yours will receive an orphan’s pension of 20% of the partner pension until the age of 21. If both parents die, the orphan’s pension is doubled.
Net pension contribution
In the event that your pensionable salary is higher than the maximum pensionable salary (of €137,800), you will receive a net pension contribution* of 23,75% (2025-2029) of the excess salary. You can voluntarily join the bank's net pension scheme. The net pension scheme is a DC (Defined Contribution) pension scheme or contribution agreement. In the pension scheme, a capital is built up from the net contributions paid in and the returns on these contributions. You decide how much you deposit within the fiscal limits.
*Until 1 Januari 2025 our contribution will be higher.
If you have any questions about this you can contact our pension fund or by phone 020 - 237 57 77.
Our offer for you is subject to the condition that the result of your Pre-Employment Screening (PES) is positive. Under financial industry regulations, a PES check is required for individuals who (will) hold positions that are labelled integrity-sensitive. Here at ABN AMRO, the PES is mandatory for all employees.
Once you accept the offer you will be automatically registered at Validata, who will perform the PES check on behalf of ABN AMRO. The PES includes a request for a certificate of good conduct, as well as a check of your qualifications and references and an ID verification. Validata will send you an email asking you to upload your documents, such as your CV, diplomas/certificates and a copy of your ID.
Working for ABN AMRO means being passionate about your job and engaging both with our clients and with society as a whole. However, it also means complying with regulations. After all, banking is about behaviour just as much as money. By taking the bankers’ oath, you promise to observe the Code of Conduct for the financial sector. This code reflects who we are and how we conduct ourselves in our day-to-day work, and it ties in closely with our purpose, strategy, core values and cultural principles. Please bear in mind that you will be required to take the bankers’ oath within three months of joining the bank. We will make the arrangements for you. You can find more information on the oath on the website of the Dutch Banking Association and you’ll find our Code of Conduct here.
Read our privacy statement that applies to all our employees.
Private investment transactions are only permitted if they are executed in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations on market abuse and do not give rise to any conflict of interest. Additional rules may apply, depending on your position at ABN AMRO.
Employees with regular access to price-sensitive information (on ABN AMRO, clients, or both) by virtue of their duties are considered ‘Insiders’ and must execute their investment transactions through ABN AMRO for monitoring purposes. Prior approval will be required for each investment transaction. Your manager is in the best position to assess your position and related activities, and so they will be responsible for assigning you an appropriate Insider status.
Your Insider status is stated in our offer. To find out more about private investment transactions, the various types of Insider status, and the Personal Account Dealing Policy, visit the Personal Account Dealing Policy.
Want to work from abroad in a non-office location for a short time? This is possible for some locations and some periods. It is not a given and depends on your personal situation and international legislation on immigration, tax, social security and labour law.
If you’re an international (non-Dutch) candidate we will help you with Immigration & tax services and Relocation Services if applicable. Read the info mentioned below to find out which services are applicable to your situation.
Immigration and tax services
Our external immigration & tax service provider will reach out to you via a welcoming email and invite you to register in their system. They will provide you the services applicable to your situation. These services contain the following:
If you’re an international candidate currently not residing in the Netherlands our external Relocation Services Provider will reach out to you via e-mail for the following services: