ABN AMRO in the media

ABN AMRO in the media

The experts of ABN AMRO are regularly approached to share their expertise on radio, television, in newspapers, magazines, podcasts and online videos. 

On this page, you will find an overview of relevant topics related to working at ABN AMRO that have been in the news in one way or another. 


Innovation consultant at ABN AMRO

Within ABN AMRO's Innovation team, all kinds of internal startups are developed to take ABN AMRO further. The team is super dynamic and creative. Margot van Aken from the podcast ‘Waar wil ik werken?' interviewed Suze Melissant to get the ins and outs about her role.

Listen to the interview (Dutch only)

Sandra Phlippen on labour market tightness 

The tightness of the labour market is by now well known. However, we do not have too few people, but rather too many jobs, says Sandra Phlippen, Chief Economist at ABN AMRO. And if we are not careful, that growth could actually work against us.

Listen to the full interview (Dutch only)

How to retain IT professionals in a tight labour market 

Many companies are turning into environments in which technology is becoming increasingly important. Employees who understand IT and technology are crucial. However, binding these people to an organisation is difficult. What you can do as a company to bring in technical talent?

George Goudriaan, Head of HR Business I&T and Functions, shares his vision. 

Listen to the podcast (Dutch only)

Interesting articles

Companies must show what they are doing about gender equality

Since 2009, ABN AMRO has been a participant in the Talent to the Top charter, which seeks to promote diversity. As a result, the bank comfortably meets the criteria of the Inclusion Act: of its seven supervisory board members, four are female. In addition, the executive board (8 seats) has three female members. Böttger: "I would like it if we achieve a fifty-fifty ratio.

ABN AMRO signs manifesto for equal opportunities for job applicants

Different employers, intermediaries and civil society organisations recently signed a declaration for equal opportunities in job applications and at work. The more than 60 signatories, including ABN AMRO, pledge to work for a more inclusive labour market.

Source: Financieel Dagblad

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